April 30, 2014

Ultimaker Cura slicer settings for RepRapPro Huxley

Here is how I configure Ultimaker Cura Slicer software for the RepRapPro Huxley 3D printer. The settings are for Cura 14.03 but will probably work for later versions also. The settings are for 1.75 mm PLA with 0.5 mm nozzle. When launching Cura a wizard will open.  I use these settings for my Huxley:

Step 1. RepaRap
Step 2. W=140,  D=140,  H=110, Nozzle = 0.5, Heated bed=yes, Bed center is (0,0,0) = no

Dowload my Cura profile from here.

In Cura load the file with: File -> Open profile...

I generate gcode files that i put on an SDCARD. I then use Pronterface to start the print.

Below are some screenshots of how is should look after loading the profile file.



End gcode. I have only changed the circled line:

April 22, 2014

Low cost Altera FPGA board

After using Xilinx FPGAs for many years I decide that it was time to take a look at Altera. I googled for a suitable low cost development board that would work with the free version of the Altera tools. Most boards are quite expensive but there are less expensive alternatives. I found a promising board from a vendor in China called Canton-electronics for only ~$40 this also includes a JTAG cable. I couldn't  resist from buying it. Two weeks later it arrived. My first tests show that the board and the cable works fine. I will post more details when I have tested it more thoroughly.

Board: TB276
Download cable: Altera USB Blaster
Bundle with board and cable ~$40 from Canton-electronics.

Board specs
FPGA: Altera Cyclone IV E 4EP4CE6E22C8N
Flash chip: EPCS4, 4Mbit
Onboard oscillator: 25MHz
10 LEDs
2 Buttons

FPGA specs
Device: Altera Cyclone IV E 4EP4CE6E22C8N
Number of logic elements: 6272 LE
Number of IO pins: 92
Embedded memory: 270 Kbits
Embedded Multiplier 9-bit: 30 instances (18-bit: 15 instances)
Embedded PLLs: 2 instances
Serial Transceivers: None

Altera Quartus II Web Edition (free version) download from: www.altera.com

Installing cable drivers
The USB-Blaster driver needs to be manual installed in the device manager. You find them here after installing Quartus II: C:\altera\13.1\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster

Programming the flash
If you want the FPGA to start with your configuration you need to program the EPCS4 flash chip. Here is a guide how to do this: http://retroramblings.net/?p=622